TEACHING STAFFThe college is in the hands of highly skilled and talented staff, Professor, Adminstrator, who are much expert in their own fields. Dr. Mukesh KumarProfessor, Sanskrit Dr. Sudhir MalikASSISTANT PROFESSOR, Political Science (Guest Faculty) Dr. Shashi Prakash SinghAssistant Professor (Guest -Faculty) Sociology Dr. B.N. DixitAssistant Professor, English Mr. Hem Kumar GahtoriGuest Lecturer, HindiNON-TEACHING STAFF Anil Singh RanaPradhan Sahayak Mr. Trilok KandpalAnusewak (UPNAL From Outsource) Mr. NarsonuSwachhak/ Chaukidar ( UPNAL From Outsource ) Mr. Amar SinghAnusewak (UPNAL From Outsource) Mr. Vinod KumarBook Lifter (UPNAL From Outsource ) Sri Devaki Nandan Joshi(Night Guard) UPNAL Employee