‘Rangers’ is the female students wing of the ‘Scouts and Guides’. Rangering being a part of guiding is an activity with a lot of fun and play, a wonderful adventure and a happy comradeship with their peers in a team. The college has processing a Rangers Unit. Rangers are trained to protect nature, public property and to develop peace and goodwill among human beings. They are also trained to participate in the development activities of national priority like “National Integration”, “Population Education”, “Sanitation” etc. The rangers undergo training where they improve their skills to be self-dependent and useful to others. On successful completion of training camp the participants are awarded certificates.

Incharge- Rovers: Dr. Sashi Prakash Singh

Important Points of Ranger:
•    Opportunities to lead and to make decisions.
•    A chance to use leisure time in service to the people.
•    Exploring creative skills and activities.
•    Fun and friendship with a sense of belonging.
•    Membership of a worldwide organization.
•    Varied activities for personal development.
•    Adventure , etc.

For details given link below
