Anti Ragging Cell

Ragging is a criminal offence as per Karnataka Educational Act 1983 and Hon’ble Supreme Court of India.  GDC BANBASA College  ensures strict compliance on the prevention of Ragging in any form.

Ragging” means “Causing, inducing, compelling or forcing a student, whether by way of practical joke or otherwise, to do any act which detracts from human dignity or violates his/her person or exposes him/her to ridicule from doing any lawful act. By intimidating, wrongfully restraining, wrongfully confining, or injuring him or by using criminal force on him/her or by holding out to him/her any threat of intimidation, wrongful confinement, injury or the use of criminal force” as per Maharashtra Prohibition of Ragging Act, 1999.

Ragging in all its forms is totally banned in this college including in its departments, constituent units, all its premises (academic, residential, sports, cafeteria, etc.) whether located within the campus or outside and in all means of transportation of students whether public or private. The college shall take strict action including but not limited to criminal proceeding and/or cancellation of admission against those found guilty of ragging and/or of abetting ragging and the burden of proof shall hereby lie on the perpetrator of alleged ragging and not on the victim. An offence of Ragging may be charged either on a written complaint by the affected or on independent finding of the Anti Ragging Cell.

In Charge: 

Tobacco Free Campus

Tobacco Free College Campuses refers to colleges and universities that have implemented policies prohibiting the use of tobacco products at all indoor and outdoor campus locations. Some colleges have chosen to implement a no-smoking policy but still allow the use of products such as smokeless tobacco. In addition, many colleges have chosen to restrict the use of electronic smoking devices, such as e-cigarettes. As of April 2016 there were at least 1,483 100% smoke-free campuses in the United States. Of these, 1,137 were 100% tobacco-free and 823 also prohibited the use of e-cigarettes anywhere on campus.

The policies are part of the Anti-smoking movement to reduce cigarette smoking among college students and to protect non-smokers from second-hand smoke.  A 2005 study found that other forms of intervention to decrease the rates of tobacco use on campus, such as restriction of tobacco distribution and restriction of smoking within 20 feet of entrances were not as effective as smoking cessation programs in decreasing college students’ smoking.  When prevention-oriented education was present on college campuses, students were 23% less likely to smoke compared to their peers who were not exposed to this kind of education.

Women Cell

Women cell aims at empowering and orienting women to recognize their true potential and to help them attain their own stand in a competing world. Its goal is the overall development in all spheres of their life. The targeted group includes all UG, PG students, women from nearby community and primary and secondary level students of nearby schools. The important objectives of the cell are:

1. To mould potential women force in the campus to achieve thriving mile stones of success
2. Empowering women to attain emotional, physical and mental freedom to withstand the changing phase of their life
3. To enhance self-esteem and quality of life
4. To eliminate the gender disparity, especially in academic life

In charge   :  

Placement and Counselling Cell

The college has a placement and career counseling committee which looks into the overall planning and execution of career guidance and counseling programmes. The committee ensures that representatives from various multi-national companies, NGO’s and UGC recognized educational institutions visit the college not only to apprise the students about the various courses and jobs available, but also to select students and train them for requisite job skills

The committee has also organised popular talks by various experts on career prospects in different job-oriented fields like  Civil Services, NGO’s, Hotel management, Computer Applications, Tourism, Languages, etc.

 In Charge :